Monarchy Read online

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  “I don’t get it. Why do hate us so much?”

  Gwen showed some sign of remorse and nipped the cigarette. “I don’t hate you, Elsie” she said in a less aggressive tone, “I just grew tired of all the frills and fuss. I needed to see what the rest of world live like and you know what? It’s awesome. I loved it so much, was it not for mom’s condition, I would still be out there. I didn’t have to watch what I do or say all the time. There was no schedule I had to follow. No boring tea parties, pretending to like people I really despise. Does the Duchess of Nat still come around for her weekly tea?”

  Elsie sniggered. “Yes and her daughter Stephanie have joined her for the last three years. It’s awful.”

  “See? I just couldn’t do it anymore. Wait till you turn 18, it gets worse. That’s when Dad starts to introduce you to prospective husbands and mom gives you the weekly speech on abstinence.”

  Elsie felt that old comfort she used to share with Gwen returning but there were pressing matters on hand and as the King said: ‘Rather sooner than later.’

  “The King wants to abdicate after the Queen’s death.” she dropped the bomb.

  Whiskey flew over the duvet covers as Gwen accidently breathed in some of the liquid in shock. “WHAT?”

  “I’m sorry. He probably wanted to tell you himself but I thought that I might be able to lessen the shock. Give you time to think about the implications his decision will have. Maybe, you can convince him to reconsider.”

  “No, no, no, no. It won’t happen. I think I made sure of it when I returned last night. Look at me. Queen?”

  “That’s why…he plans on…asking you to forfeit your title.” Elsie said carefully.

  “He can’t! He wouldn’t dare. And make you Queen?”

  Elsie felt a bit insulted by this. “Excuse me? Are you saying I’m not worthy of being Queen?”

  “Elsie, you don’t want it. You’re sixteen…”


  “…seventeen. You’re still a child. You don’t want to be Queen, well not yet, at least.”

  “If the responsibility it thrust upon me, who am I to resist?”

  “I won’t allow it. Screw him, my answer is no. I won’t give up my title and give him the satisfaction of retiring while my baby sister has to do the dirty work. I can’t believe he would be so selfish.”

  “So, you want to…”

  “Become Queen? Are you insane? No, I’ll give you the title, just not now. Dad still has a lot of mileage left on his engine and I’ll tell him that. In fact, I’m going to tell him right now.” Gwen got up and pulled on the jeans she wore the night before and a pair of worn leather combat boots.

  “Gwen, don’t do this. I wasn’t supposed to tell.”

  “You’re already his bloody pawn, Elsie. You’re coming with me. We’re going to settle this now.”

  They stormed from the room on the third floor to the dining room on the second. Gwen like a raging bull in front while Elsie pleaded at her heels to calm down. Gwen threw open the dining room doors just as when she arrived. As expected, the King and Queen had already sat down for breakfast.

  “I need an audience with you. Now!” Gwen demanded of the King.

  “I’m afraid I have a full schedule that I’m already running late for” the King said from behind the morning paper.

  “You’ll have to make time then. It’s about your planned abdication.”

  Chapter 4

  The maid who was serving the Queen tilted her tray, spilling tea all over the table.

  “Excuse me, Your Majesty” she apologized, frantically trying to clean the mess.

  Sir Windsbury, sensing the privacy of the matter, took the shocked servant lightly by the arm and led her towards the serving kitchen while reminding her of the secrecy clause in her employment contract.

  “Now, was that really necessary?” the King asked calmly as he folded the newspaper and placed it on the table. “Excuse me.” he said to the Queen as he got up.

  “You’re coming with.” Gwen whispered to Elsie and they followed the King to his office next door.

  “You’re abdicating?” Gwen almost screamed the moment the door closed behind them.

  “I thought it best for the nation.”

  “You thought it best to leave a sixteen year old in charge of a country? ARE YOU INSANE?”

  “Seventeen….” Elsie mumbled.

  “Does this mean you have denounced your title?” the King asked curiously.

  “Sure as hell not.” Gwen folded her arms across her chest defensively.

  “Then my decision should be a very happy one for you indeed.” The King smiled.

  “You’re kidding, right? You’d rather die than see me become Queen.”

  A long silence followed. Elsie felt caught in the middle of a tactical battle plan. The King, on the one side, trying to fool Gwen out of her title and Gwen on the other hand, was making the King’s position as difficult possible.

  “I feel that Elsie would be a much better Queen than you could, yes. Even being seventeen of age, she shows much more responsibility than you ever have.”

  “Cover your ears, Princess” Gwen demanded and just like a child she obeyed, feeling stupid at falling for Gwen’s plan to proof her point. She could still hear Gwen’s muffled voice shouting a range of profanities at the King.

  Gwen eventually slapped Elsie’s arm as a signal that she could join the conversation once again.

  “See, that’s the type of language that immediately makes me lose all confidence in you” the King said angrily. “Five minutes ago, when you burst into breakfast demanding an audience, I thought that I could be wrong but once again, like many times before, you disappoint me. You just don’t have any respect for anyone, I mean, look at you. You don’t even have respect for yourself so how on earth could you expect anyone to respect you as a ruler? Give your title to Elsie or get your act straight.”

  “This isn’t over” Gwen said defeated and stormed out of the office.

  Elsie bent her knee for the King and ran after her sister who was talking to herself.

  “I’ll show him.” Gwen said as Elsie caught up with her on the stairs.

  “Does this mean you’re staying to become Queen?” Elsie asked hopefully.


  “Then you’re going to…”

  “One day, when you’re old enough, yes.” Gwen stopped to face Elsie. “I won’t let him ruin my baby sister’s life and if it means that I must become Queen, so be it. But until then, he will keep his ass quite comfortably on that throne and I will disappoint him even more and give him every reason in this world not to make me Queen.” With that, Gwen slammed the door shut in Elsie’s face.

  Gwen didn’t bolt the bathroom door to Elsie’s side again but instead locked herself in her room until the next day. It was Saturday, and breakfast was to be served in bed as an end of week treat. Elsie didn’t feel hungry and instead went to the bathroom to find the door open to Gwen’s room. She sat up in bed, wolfing down her breakfast. “Hi” She said with a mouthful of omelet.

  “Sleep well?” Elsie asked politely.

  “Like a bear” Gwen replied.

  There was a knock at the door and the princesses’ assistant, Grace, appeared.

  “Good morning, Your Highnesses.” She bowed, the organizer that for long was only Elsie’s in one hand and two clothing bags in the other. “Did you have a good night’s rest?”

  “I already answered that question, ask me another” Gwen said still eating undisturbed.

  Grace stood a bit dumbfounded before continuing. “Shall I read you your schedule for today?”

  “No” Gwen mumbled. Elsie scolded at her. “What? I’m not entitled to a refusal?”

  Elsie shook her head with a smile. “Please do, Grace.”

  “Most of today has been set aside for the preparation and attendance of a cocktail party hosted by the Countess of Struce in honor of her husband, the Earl of Struce’s fiftieth birthday.�

  “I won’t be going” Gwen mumbled.

  “Forgive me, Your Highness, but attendance is compulsory.”

  “By whom?” Gwen asked, offended.

  “By His Majesty himself, Ma’am. The stylist has been arranged for hair and make-up at two and the family will leave at four for Seventh manor.” Grace continued. “You have been asked to fit your outfits beforehand and inform me if any adjustments are needed.” She handed each a clothes bag. “Good day, to you both.” Grace left the room with a courteous bow again.

  Elsie zipped open her bag to find a lovely emerald green garment. She looked up at Gwen who seemed to be on the verge of vomiting.

  “PINK? Is this a joke?” she yelled showing Elsie the light pink dress that consisted more of frills than anything else.

  Elsie couldn’t contain her laughter. “It brings out the color of your eyes?”

  Gwen swore. “There is a higher chance for a heat wave to hit the Arctic than you ever seeing me wear this.” Gwen scrambled from bed and picked up her back pack from the corner. She emptied its contents on the bed and picked out a small bottle of liquid. “This should work…” she said to herself.

  Elsie turned and left for her room, leaving Gwen to her own melodramatics.

  It took Gwen a mere few seconds to make the decision. Sure, the results would be disastrous but that suited her perfectly. She laid out the dress on the bed and picked up a pair of scissors. She took a glance through the bathroom, to where her perfectly pruned sister stood admiring her own dress. Gwen hid the scissors behind her back and walked towards the bathroom. She didn’t know whether she could trust Elsie completely and couldn’t risk the first stage of her plan ruined by a snitch. Elsie looked up and smiled at her but Gwen slammed the door shut and bolted it once again.

  “Oh, it’s on” she sneered and literally attacked the hideous pink dress with the scissors.

  Chapter 5

  “Where is she?” the Queen asked, looking at her wristwatch.

  “I’m sure she’ll be down in a minute” Elsie answered uncertain. She hadn’t seen Gwen since that morning. She didn’t open for the stylists either earlier which should all be a clear indication that she wasn’t planning on going to the party despite the King’s wish.

  “Well, we can’t wait any longer. She’s not answering her door so I think we should assume that she is sleeping, probably with music blaring in her ears. Such a shame. Her presence will be missed” the King said sarcastically.

  Elsie followed her parents reluctantly to the waiting car. She was looking forward to Gwen’s fresh breath to a usually boring event. Seventh Manor wasn’t far from the palace and they arrived at the raw brick house in five minutes. Tables were set in the garden with crisp white overlays and serviettes, rich ivory porcelain and brilliant crystal and silver that glistened in sets next to the plates. Waiters dressed in emperor penguin suits served the guests refreshments of caviar and prawn tails and tall glasses of champagne. Sir Windsbury walked ahead to arrange their announcement and as they entered the garden their hostess’ male servant announced: “His Royal Majesties, King Phillip and Queen Marie and Her Royal Highness, Princess Elsabeth.” All eyes turned to them. Elsie could feel the lightness of the party disappear at their arrival. There was a hushed silence and a wave of bows as they walked towards their hosts.

  “Your Majesties” the Countess greeted with a bow.

  “The décor looks splendid” the Queen commented.

  “You’re too kind, Ma’am. Please, sit at our table.” The Countess motioned for them to sit at the table next to them. Once they were seated, the Countess clapped her hands twice and the string quartet continued playing as though they were merely paused for a second.

  “Your Majesties” the Earl of Struce greeted from his wheelchair. “Forgive me for not standing up. My apparent disrespect is unfortunately the will of God” he apologized. The Earl looked much older than fifty. He was frail and grey.

  “Oh, Stern, let’s not spend this joyous occasion concentrating on our short fallings. I must wish you a happy birthday first and fore most. Your thirty-fifth, I’ve heard?” the King joked.

  “Alas, Sir, it's my fiftieth. Half a healthy life time” he laughed and started to cough vigorously.

  The Earl also had cancer, of the prostate, though Elsie had no idea exactly what that meant. She did wonder though whether his cancer could have somehow mutated into an unknown virus and that that would probably explain how her mother got it.

  “I was expecting to see Princess Guinevere tonight. Rumor has it she’s back in the country?” the Countess of Struce wasted no time joining in on the conversation.

  “She is” the Queen replied. “She surprised us on Thursday evening…”

  “Boy, were we surprised” Elsie mumbled, unnoticed.

  “…but unfortunately she is still a bit jetlagged from her trip. She sends her sincere apologies and regards.”

  “Isn’t that a shame? I imagine she has great tales of her travels around the world.”

  The King and Queen looked uncomfortable at each other at the Lady’s words. They were so caught up fighting the last few days that none of them had even asked about her adventures.

  “I would love to still see the world someday” the Earl said sarcastically from behind the oxygen mask that now obscured his face.

  The Queen shifted in her seat. “How are…you holding up, Stern?”

  “Six months they said seven months ago but I’m holding, Ma’am. I’ll keep on staring that bastard straight in the eyes until the breath leaves my lungs.”

  “That’s the spirit” she said with a smile and Elsie could see her eyes glistening.

  Elsie was about to start on her caviar when the atmosphere once again changed dramatically. The music stopped and there was a buzzing of whispers throughout the garden.

  “Her Royal Highness, Princess Guinevere.” the announcement came from somewhere.

  “What?” Elsie spit over her fork. The Queen grew yet another shade paler and the King mouthed a few terrible words. Elsie stood up for a better view of her sister and regretted it. There was no resemblance left of the dress she was handed that morning. It was still frilly but a lot shorter, sleeveless, shoulder less and a horrible mix up of pink and dirty black dye spots. She paired her outfit with a bright pink wide brimmed hat and, of course, her worn leather combat boots. Though there were some giggles and mutters from the crowd, Gwen walked tall, proud of her creation.

  “Father. Mother. Excuse me for being late. I was shocked to find that in this day and age of glorious technology, our palace still hasn’t decided to invest in a tumble dryer among other things. I had to wait some time for my outfit to air dry” she mocked. “My Lord, My Lady. I hope I’m not intruding.”

  “Not at all, Your Highness. I was just asking the Queen about your whereabouts. Champagne?”

  “Of course, we’re celebrating. Thirty-Five, is it?” Gwen winked at the Earl.

  “Your family is too kind” the Earl laughed.

  “Father already did that joke” Elsie whispered through her teeth as Gwen sat down next to her.

  “Happy birthday, Sir and may there be many more to come.”

  Nobody looked amused at her remark except the Earl himself who managed a chuckle.

  The waiter offered Gwen champagne. “Whiskey, straight” she ordered.

  The King and the Earl engaged in a conversation about the weather while the Countess entertained the Queen with the latest royal gossip.

  “I’m missing something, Elsie” Gwen sang through her teeth.

  Elsie turned her head away from the others to whisper to Gwen. “The Earl is dying.”

  Gwen swore and the King scolded at her from the corner of his eyes.

  “Prostate cancer. He apparently had six months to live, seven months ago so he probably won’t have any more birthdays to come after this one” Elsie continued in a very low whisper.

  “Is there something in the bloody water I should k
now of or is every blue blood just coming down with the cancer lately?” Gwen whispered.

  Elsie shrugged. “Mother and the Earl are related so it must be genetic.” She felt impressed by her conclusion. It sure beat the mutated virus theory.

  “Can’t be. Mother doesn’t have a prostate.”

  “Gwen!” she exclaimed softly.

  “She doesn’t. Try and concentrate during your next birds and bees lecture.”

  “Oh” Elsie murmured.